Sunday, May 9, 2010
Plentiful 5 months
Friday, January 8, 2010
أبو ظبي دبيّ
I spent my remaining week of 2009 in the U.A.E.
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
You all know what happens next ;-)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Food carving
Monday, December 14, 2009
Pastry kitchen
Our beloved Pastry Chef Sooi who ignore us camwhoring,stealing food all the way.
It was really cold in there.Sorry for the blur picture. We just couldn't stop laughing like silly girls.
Muffins we baked together with Chef Lim
Cookies I almost vomited on.
There's more picture but I guess you wouldn't be interested in.
During my last week there, I was praised by the exec chef for being awesome! I was making the gingerbread and chicken pie all by myself and at the same time. quote " Waa...we never had a trainee that could handle baking all by themself even after 2weeks in the kitchen.They're here only helping out the chefs. On top of that, you even learned to multi-task. I'm impressed" and I was over the moon. And he sign my appraisal. =D
So, kitchen = success!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I be back!
I know this day will come.
We know this day will come.
The day where my industrial training ends! This is by far the best thing ever happen this year. Lots of shit happened. I shall post everything here but first. I shall go enjoy my moments back home. The wonders of own bed. The feeling of waking up late. The missing feeling where I go toilet in the middle of the night without worrying of being stared by ghost. The freedom of having a car.
Till then.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Here I am
I'm assigned to go to the Adventure Zone Department for my first two weeks in Golden Sands Resort in Batu Ferrenghi. Adventure Zone is a play area for kids to hang out and play while their parents are out having some real fun. We have three major slides here.
Oops...can't upload much due to the super slow internet connection here. Working in Adventure Zone is fun in a way that you get to meet so many different type of children personality. I do have a few favourite kids.
Now, my hostel is an ugly place. really but it is much better and comfortable after major cleaning up. The good side is that it is near to kfc, mamak, harware shop, several mini mart, sport shop, super long bazaar(something like petaling street and of course, most importantly, the resort itself.
That's all for now, the internet is killing me.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
1. Kitchen jacket
2. Kitchen shoe
3. Court shoe
4. a pair of heels (gray gladiator heels)
5. 2 Black working pants
6. black sandal (wearing)
7. black shorts
8. gray shorts
9. new silk pajamas (maybe)
10. leo shirt (as pajamas)
11. smk usj13(as pajamas)
12. levi's shorts
13. green polo
14. miss selfridge dress
15. gray top
16. brown sweater
17. sg wang jeans (wearing)
18. college shirt
19. pail
20. laptop
21. computer games (duh)
22. bolster
23. pillow
24. small pillow
25. blanket
27. make up
28. watch
29. sun block
30. soap
31. pencuci baju
32. bathroom amenities (consist of lots of things)
33. turquoise spaghetti strap
34. puma cap
35. PSR report format
36. phone charger
37. brush
38. hair brush
39. white spaghetti
40. blue spaghetti
41. suksek jersey
42. kitshen top
43. dark blue top
44. leggings
45. yellow bf top
46. black,white and bronze headband
47. red tshirt (as pajamas)
48. air freshener
49. panadol
50. undergarments (duh)
51. shades
this should be all. I seriously can't afford to add more stuff. It's a good thing I'll be going there in a car. I can't imagine how it'll be if I were to go there by bus or train! Imagine me carrying at least to bag, a pail and pillows and blankets.
Oh!! I forgot..
52. bath towel
what else..what else...this should be it. anymore, i'll simply ask my mom to pos laju everything.