Bad news first, remember i said that apple pie is an alternate way to get nutrient and satisfy your sweet tooth at the same time? Well, i just found out that cooked apples are dead apples. So, no nutrients will be absorbed. T.T
Guess that the only way is to eat fresh apples then..
The good news! This recipe REALLY is healthy! Fruits used are not cooked therefore, healthy cake!
Here goes..

Genoise Sponge
40g butter, melted
4 eggs
125g soft flour
125g sugar
Pastry Cream
250g milk
2 egg yolks
10g soft flour
60g sugar
15g custard powder
Genoise Sponge
40g butter, melted
4 eggs
125g soft flour
125g sugar
Pastry Cream
250g milk
2 egg yolks
10g soft flour
60g sugar
15g custard powder
200g whiping cream
50g neutral glaze jelly
one mango
a few strawberries
2 kiwis
- Heat a pot of water to 80C (bain marie)
- Beat eggs and sugar in a bowl over the bain marie until mixture reaches 40 C.
- Remove bowl from bain marie and continue whisking until mixture doubles in volume.
- Fold in the flour.
- Gently incorporate the melted butter.
- Fill into cake mold and bake at 200 C for 20minutes.
- Unmold and allow sponge to cool.
- Boil the milk.
- Mix egg yolks, sugar, vanilla essence, soft flour and custard powder (cornstarch) in a mixing bowl.
- Incorporate boiling milk slowly into the egg yolk mixture.
- Pour mixture back into pan and stir continuously over medium heat until mixture thickens.
- Transfer mixture into a clean bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Allow to cool.
- Whip whipping cream till firm and light.
- Fold into cooled pastry cream to obtain Crème Princesse. (mixture must be firm and not runny)
- Slice genoise sponge into 2 equal discs.
- Moisten the first disc with syrup and spread with crème princess.
- Repeat with a second layer of disc.
- Decorate the top with fresh fruits. Glaze fruits with apricot/ neutral glaze.
You dont have to fold in the flour till well blended. Do not fold the flour for too long or the genoise may sink.
Make sure the the egg mixture does not cook! Water for bain marie shall not boil. Just simmering and make sure the bowl does not touch the water or it might cook the egg mixture.