Sunday, October 5, 2008

Things you should know

i do date malay boys ;
most of my friends are malay ;
i do speak fluently in Bahasa Malaysia ;
i score A+ for my Tamadun Islam examination ;
i am interested in Islam.

Some people find that hard to believe.

" A chinese girl doing all that?! She does not bring her family honor!"

I dispice people who question me about the statement above.
Allow me to correct that, I hate people who does not accept my answers.

Many people,i have debated with. regarding this topic.
Thank you for trying to 'advise' me. I wish you well.

If you want a debate,you're more than welcome to come up to me
BUT PLEASE,only if you can speak proper english with proper spelling.
and only if you have a solid backup on whatever statement that you're going to use to backfire me.

I do all of the above,with both my feet still planted strong on earth.
how about you?
If you are those people who practise ethnocentric way of thinking, dont bother.
If you are those people who tends to follow western thinking,(who wants to be a mat salleh) you can forget about it.I will not entertain you.
If you have a history to fly away from the main topic,do not approach me.
If you only want a debate just to diss Islam,fuck off.
If you the type who talk confident just so to trick people to think that you're right, NEWS FLASH, doesn't work on me.

Do bear in mind that whatever you say will only make me better at debating. Thank you for the contribution.

Recent contributor ;
Raymond Liew
Adrian Hendrick
Elvin Wong
Kah Wah
John Lee


khany said...

you might find this blog of interest


Anonymous said...

hey suet.

i am a chinese girl & i'm currently in a relationship with a malay guy too. plus, my closest pals are malays!

i hate it when people give those nasty looks whenever we go out on dates. moreover, some people see me as a disgrace because i couldn't speak chinese. sigh.

it's nice to know there's someone who understands the situation i'm in. :)

Anonymous said...

Because you're too ugly to be a chinese? You're better off with Malay guys.

Jo said...

You go girl! Sometimes we just have to ignore what people say about us. I'm a mix (my mum- half malay half chinese, my dad- chinese), although i'm wearing tudung, i can speak mandarin fluently. I can cook chinese style food. Being a muslim never makes me feel i am less chinese.